


1 愿你余下岁月,无灾无难,无我不欢。

May the rest of your life be free from disaster and from me.

2 对你呀 是招摇过市 明目张胆 溢于言表的喜欢。

To you is a blatant overstatement of love.

3 十里桃花,十里香,阵阵花香,阵阵你,三里清风,三里路,步步风里,步步你。

Ten kilometre peach blossoms, Ten kilometre incense, flowers, you, three kilometre breeze, three kilometre road, step by step wind, step by step you.

4 所爱隔山海,山海不可平,海有舟可渡,山有路可行。

Love across the mountains and seas, mountains and seas can not be flat, sea boats can be crossed, mountains have roads feasible.

5 我只爱你三天 今天 明天 每天。

I only love you for three days, today, tomorrow, every day.

6 桃枝为约,苍天为证此情,上穷碧落下黄泉。

Peach branches for about, the sky for the proof of this situation, looking for the whole blue sky looking for the whole netherworld.

7 我已分不清,你是友情还是错过的爱情。

I can't tell if you are a friendship or a missed love.

8 没有期待不温不凉无悲无喜一片荒凉。

There is no expectation, no cold, no sorrow, no joy, no desolation.

9 反正这温吞世俗人间烟火 只有你是我的江河湖泊。

Anyway, this warm mundane world fireworks only you are my river and lake.

10 愿君世世安,阑珊不复见。

May the world be safe and never see again.





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