





网友Erik Engheim的回答

Great question! It is all about geography. Study the maps of China and Europe. Look specifically at where the mountain ranges and major rivers are. You will quickly see a different pattern.


Europe has a very different geological history that caused mountain ranges to be formed in many different directions across the continent. This also caused created more but smaller rivers going in more varied directions than in China.



Chinese geography is simpler. Mountains go one way, rivers another. Thus mountains and rivers don’t naturally split up China into multiple chunks they way they do in Europe. Mountains and rivers are natural boundaries for countries.


Also look at the irregular coastline of Europe. Countries like Italy and Spain are accessible only through a relatively narrow stretch of land which also happens to be a mountain area. Britain is on an island making it even less accessible.



Uniting Europe would thus always be difficult for an army. A lot of smaller areas of Europe are easily defendable against an invading army. This further led to the development of Feudalism in Europe and frequent wars. This caused Europe to be dotted with strong castles.


It is interesting to compare the significance of this when comparing Mongol invasion of Europe vs China. With the highly centralized power structure, you could invade the capital and take the whole country. Feudalism meant you had to fight down every Count, Earl, Baron etc in the country to win. And each one of them had castles you had to lay siege to for months, and which point your army is vulnuralbe to counter attacks.



In Mongol armies each soldier had five horses. They used all of them during the attack, switching horses when one got tired. However this required vast plains of grass. Europe did not have that. Thus Mongol armies faced a shortage of food for their horses, which was made significantly worse by conquering Europe being very time consuming due to the sheer number of castles.


Spending mounts laying siege to a castly meant you would run out of grass for your horses. This is one of several reasons why Mongols could defeat a much stronger China but had much bigger problems taking Europe. Europe simply isn't easy to conquer.



There are been simulations of world history only using geography, which shows on each run that China will end up united but Europe ends up being a patchwork of states. So it is not a random occurence, but very much expected even in simulations.







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